Azure Bot Services

A managed service purpose-built for bot development

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Azure Bot Services

Build conversational experiences for your customers

Through Azure Bot Service, we provide your business with tools to build, test, deploy, and manage intelligent bots all in one place. Through the framework provided by the SDK, you can extend the capabilities available through templates to create bots. With Azure, these bots can provide language understanding, answer questions, speak to users and more. Azure Bot Service also leverages the Bot Framework SDK with support for C# and JavaScript.

Build conversational experiences for your customers

With our team and your team working together, you can develop enterprise-level bots that let you maintain control over crucial data and processes. The options are limitless when it comes to our Azure Bot Services. We can help you achieve your goals for both your customers and your organization. Build any bot—from a personal branded virtual assistant to a Q&A bot. With Azure’s comprehensive set of open-source SDK and tools, we can help you quickly connect your bots across multiple channels and devices.

Azure Bot Service and Bot Framework

We use an integrated set of tools and services within Azure Bot Service and Bot Framework to streamline your business and increase revenue.

The great thing about bots is that it gets built and connected once, and you don’t have to worry about its future compatibility. One of the primary uses we have seen in today’s world is ‘chatbots.’ Chatbots are easy to build and exist within the apps we all use today. Our consultants can help you take your business to the next level by implementing bots into your customer’s journey. We will provide you with the resources you need for all stages of bot development and deployment. Bots can be created using C#, Javascript, or Typescript with SDKs (Java and Python are under development for future use).

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Building a Bot

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Without a business plan, there is no forward movement. We will take a look at where your business is currently aiming in goals, processes, and user needs. Planning is an essential process of creating a successful bot. Before writing any code, we will review the best practices and identify the requirements for your business. Azure provides you with the tools needed to create simple or complex bots by including unique capabilities such as answering questions or translating speech.


Your bot is essentially a web service that implements with a conversational interface. It then communicates with the Bot framework to relay messages and events. We can help you build bots in several environments and languages, such as developing bots in the Azure Portal or using JavaScript and C# templates for local development. Our team will provide you with customization services perfectly aligned with your business goals.


Bots are complex apps, with many different parts working together. Like any complex app, this can lead to some unique bugs or cause your bot to behave differently than expected. Before publishing, test your bot locally with the emulator or on the web.


When you are ready to release your bot to the web, you can publish directly to Azure, datacenter or web service. The first step to creating your bot is developing a live address on the internet. Your bot then becomes available on-site or inside chat channels. After publishing your bot, you can track progress and provide full benefits to the users of the bot.


Connectivity is one of the most crucial goals to have in today's world. Your bots have the connectivity to channels such as Microsoft Teams, Facebook, Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Text and SMS, Cortana, and more. Once your bot is made, the framework does most of the work necessary to communicate with these platforms. Your bot application receives a unified stream of data, regardless of the number of channels connected. This freedom allows for endless possibilities to both business and users.


Use the data collected in the Azure Portal to evaluate performance and identify new opportunities. You can see professional data-like traffic, integrations, and latency. These analytics also give conversational-level reporting on channel data, users, and messages. You can use the insights to change metrics or strategically improve bot designs.

Why Choose Dynamic Consultants Group?

We specialize in consulting, implementation, data migration, customization, and Azure Bot Services for businesses of all sizes. We’ve helped more than 150 companies (ours included) achieve their business goals. If you are interested in getting started with Azure Bot Services, contact us today!

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Azure Bot Services FAQ

What's the difference between Azure Bot Service and Bot Framework SDK and tools?

Bot Framework is comprised of an open-source SDK and tools for end-to-end bot development. Microsoft Azure Bot Service helps you manage, connect, and deploy your bot across devices and popular channels.

What is Bot Framework V4 SDK?

Bot Framework V4 SDK builds on developer feedback and learnings from prior Bot Framework SDKs. This version introduces enhanced levels of abstraction while enabling rich componentization of the bot building blocks. You can start with a simple bot and grow your bot in sophistication using a modular and extensible framework. Get more details.

When will there be more channels?

Microsoft plans to continuing making improvements to the Bot Framework and add more channels incrementally.

Can I host my bot on my own servers?

Yes, you can host your bot anywhere on the internet, on your own servers, in Azure, or in any datacenter. Note: Your bot must expose a publicly accessible HTTPS endpoint.