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Save 50% on Costs and Get a 15 Minute Response - Guaranteed

Microsoft Premier Support SLA

Understand Microsoft’s SLA for Unified and Premier Support. See how our Premier Support Alternative compares. Our SLA is up to 60% faster at all levels. Providing your organization with better support, faster case resolution, and more flexibility than Microsoft Unified Support.

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Premier support SLA

Get more than support, get end-to-end managed support across the full Microsoft platform

Business issues are sometimes critical to your operations; waiting 1 hour can damage your supply chain, customer service, or even your sales operations. Our 15 minute response time has been proven repeatedly by customers around the world to deliver more than just an auto-response but a real person that can help you quickly.

IRT - Initial Response Time for Premier Support

DCG Premier Support

Microsoft Premier Support

Unified Support - Core

Unified Support - Advanced

Unified Support - Performance

15 Minutes Standard

2 Hours Standard (Business Hours Only)

8 Hours Standard

4 Hours Standard

4 Hours Standard

15 Minutes Critical

1 Hour Critical

1 Hour Critical

1 Hour Critical

1 Hour Critical

Introducing an Industry First: TTE SLA - Time to Engineer

Microsoft and even some partners can use SLAs to offer fantastic response times, either with auto-responders or with basic support. At DCG, we’re adding an all-new SLA to our offering. The “Time to Engineer” SLA. Meaning you have a price guarantee on how fast you be connected to a specialist engineer to solve your problem. Move beyond just getting someone generic. Start tracking how fast you can get on the phone with someone who knows your issue. It’s all part of our First Problem Resolution philosophy for how we operate Premier Support.

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Severity and Responsiveness - How DCG Premier Support Works

Initial Response Time (IRT) is the time period from when you submit (call, online, or email) your support request until a Dynamic Consultants Group Microsoft Support Engineer contacts you and starts working on your support request. The Initial Response Time will vary with customers with both the support plan and the Business Impact of the request (also known as Severity). Severity and our definition of response can be found below.

Severity Level

Customer Impact

Response SLA Detailed

Severity A (SEV/A) - Tier 1

Critical Business Impact
Customer’s business has stopped, or has a significant loss or degradation of services, and requires immediate attention to restore functionality or usability.

Response SLA Detailed
Standard Support: < 15 Minutes
Critical Support: < 15 Minutes

Severity B (SEV/B) - Tier 2

Moderate Business Impact
Customer’s business has degraded to the point that services cannot be rendered at a pace that business is sustainable. This is due to a moderate loss of services but can still work with limited capacity.

Response SLA Detailed
Standard Support: < 4 Hours
Critical Support: < 4 Hours

Severity C (SEV/C) - Tier 3

Minimal Business Impact
Customer’s business is functioning with minor limitations or impediments of services.

Response SLA Detailed
Standard Support: < 8 Hours
Critical Support: < 8 Hours

Our Support Scope

DCG Premier Support can be used for technical issues for break-fix type issues, configuration and consulting type issues, and billing and subscription management-related issues. This is standard support for all customers. Advisory, escalations to Microsoft, and account management services (such as RAPs) are available for all customers as well at no additional cost.

Products and services covered:

  • All Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft 365 products
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE (Customer Engagement) Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Field Service
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance (Finance & Operations)
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 On-Premise Products
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX & NAV
  • Microsoft Azure services released to General Availability and Microsoft Azure Public previews are covered.
  • Non-Microsoft technologies, when provided by Microsoft as part of an Azure product feature, are covered by all support plans, such as the Azure SDK and sample code for Python.

Support for services purchased through another channel (other than purchased online, for example, Enterprise Agreement) are governed by the agreement terms for that purchase.

Why Switch Your Premier Support to Dynamic Consultants Group?

Faster Support

With Dynamic Consultants Group, you can increase your case resolution times by up to 60%. Moving away from Microsoft Support is simple and fast. With no loss of services or account management, get responses to your issues in as little as 10 minutes. Our SLA is one of the fastest in the industry.

Save Budget - Reduce Costs

Stop wasting your annual support budget, get better support without spending time telling your issues over and over. We escalate you to the right people to begin with and with our unique models your team knows your system. This helps resolve common issues faster with fewer calls and less support dollars.

More Flexibility

Why lock yourself into hundreds of hours of support you may not use. Dynamic Consultants Group allows you to tailor your support agreements to how you use to support, not the box a partner or Microsoft things you should fit into. We make it simple to by a few hours and grow into your support, without higher costs.

Get Started with a Premier Support Alternative

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